Contact Edward Ancher Nelson
If you would like more information about the artwork, please contact me.
More About Ed
Ed was born in a log cabin on the mean streets of South Minneapolis before he canoed to Rochester Minnesota via Missiissippi River and Zumbro River and attended high school majoring in Swim Team and Golf. Later he graduated 146 out of 555 students (not bad!) and then, later, canoed to Northfield Minnesota (Cannon River) and St. Olaf College where finally, later, graduated 179th out of a class of 455 (not bad!).
Later he canoed west, on the Missouri, Columbia, Snake and Duwamish Rivers landing finally in Seattle where he now abides.
Ed has many hobbies and also teaches a class at the local community college, “Canoeing the Duwamish and Ten Things to Avoid Floating in the Water.”